Saturday, August 31, 2019

Meta reflection 2 Essay

â€Å"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions†. We could never go back to the past were what we did has already been done. When we discover new things you don’t see your old thoughts the same way. We add new information that will help us to expand and deepen our knowledge through our understanding the experiences that we had encounter. I saw too many things, I could never go back to being that old me that. I have experience adventures and the taste of life these experiences molds us by being an open minded person. I can never go back to that person who is full of ignorance. I was searching for wisdom and knowledge as possible. When I found them in philosophy I bathe with wisdom and knowledge combining them made a pleasurable account to my life. Applying these new found ideals, and fresh truths to my life adds new impact on my existence. I would not grow but I will surely have the drive, inspiration and motivation to want more of knowledge. My huge amount of ignorance is too big to became a marble, it’s the cause that the essence of my existences that stretches my mind to be active and be an open minded as possible. Change is constant and prior to my experience they have mold me. Many situations had come to my life with a synthetic a priori. I may not know that I all ready had this phenomena. Behind the knowledge I have know is the product of my studies and the cause of my studies, sometimes cramming can help boast the minds ability, push its power to the fullest capacity to acquire new knowledge. I can never surely go back to the quote that I have written to my introduction is that we or our own minds is expandable and learn so many things. the experiences that we all experience is the fact we are living the life of a being in this world that true reality resides and will surely be never disappear Subconsciously we acquire new experiences. Each time we do our routines and the normal phenomenon we don’t mind the fact that we are giving our right choices, our only one choice. It’s risky to live life but with the feeling of love that we feel its worth the fight and risks to live for in this world. The experience we gain is the interpretations of our lived moments in this reality. The beingness of being is the experience of being a being in this reality. We only live once and our mind is the one that makes the decision with our own considerations that we are beings in this reality. Only the wises gets the best of both world. Reality with experience is the main purpose of being in this world. We stretched our capacity and exhaust this mind of ours and gain new knowledge. By stretching our mind we can go beyond the normal capacity of things. The beauty of life is going to take up the challenges and ordeals that it gives us the power to marvel at life. Lived experience of my life is awesome, because I feel being loved, hate, and not taking life seriously. I thought at first life was so simple, I only have in that period of time a small amount of understanding in my existence. Know with philosophy and I am loving wisdom, I made a new decision that life is complex with many things to do and take it at hand. With that experience I can only reminisce the times but I can no longer go back. How could I go back? With a time machine? May be not its only a theory that time travel is possible. I don’t intend to go back to the past experiences my a posteriori was the best so why would I. With everything that I am and everything that I can do is the product of my experiences, they were the stepping stones that could not hit its wall of finality. Experience for me is cant be exhaust because we keep on experiencing from day to day of our life. We can never stop experiencing, it’s a fact I keep on learning and gaining more knowledge than before I know. I and everyone can never go back to the way they were before. We may not be the same as the past. I couldn’t know everything with experience, it’s the philosophers bases of everything that has happened. Without it what could be the progress of the world and the human world. Gaining new knowledge is the transfiguration of us we can’t go back to the dimensions that we once have reside.

Is American Dream Still Alive?

In discussion of American dreams, one controversial issue is that Cal Thomas, the panelist on Fox News, claims that it is the dysfunctional government and unstrained liberalism that cause the end of American dreams, but the principle of American culture and the awareness of what got us here will help us to get back on the right track. On the other hand, Brandon King, a student of university of Cincinnati, argues that the American dreams are still alive. What is more, it is the inequality that ruin the American dreams.As long as people have the faith that the life will be better off than today and enact policy to sustain economic growth, the American dreams will keep alive. I totally agree with King’s view and I believe that government do play a important role in regulating economy and they should enact some policy of educational expenditure and therefore, they can provide with recourse to those who need it. Both king and Thomas discuses the definition of American dreams. Thoma s defines American dreams as achieving greater prosperity and consuming more material goods.What is more, King extends Thomas’s idea and claims that the old American dream is just as what Thomas says, but the new American dream is trimmed down version of its former self. He believes that most people prefer a stable, middle-class lifestyle now, and they change their spending habit from consuming money to get joy to focusing on saving money for the future and having secure employment by showing some statistics about ownership decreasing from 69% in 2005 to 66. 5% in 2010 and renter household increasing 1. 1million.And they both agree that culture plays an important role in shaping American dream. Thomas blames dysfunctional government and unstrained liberalism for leading Americans down a path to economic and cultural insolvency while Kings complicates his idea by arguing that government action is still helpful too. Thomas blames government for their action of over-expanding, e ncroaching, over-taxing, overspending, and over-regulating that erode some nature virtue of people such as self-reliance, individual initiative and personal accountability.However, king disagrees with him and says that government do help to bring economy back to a stable path such as funding for Wall Street and struggling businesses because of a principle that large business and financial institution enable many others to attain economic stability and security. By helping those big companies, government can increase job opportunities and hire more people, which was what President Obama did in 2010 to get economy out of depression. In the further discussion, King demonstrates that the biggest obstacle of economy recovery is inequality.And he points out that it is useless for government to redistribute income by taxing rich people and give insurance to pool people, which will only cause the total expenditure of nation decrease and lead to further recession. I totally agree with Kingâ €™s view that the American dream is still alive, and the key to keep the American dream alive and make economy prosperities is the right of education, because American people needs educational opportunity to compete in the global economy and put gainful employment in it. However, too high taxes and burdensome regulations on people are the knottiness that block people from education.A son of my mother’s friend was doing excellent job in high school and he decided to go to medical school to continue his study. One day he got a letter from administration office said that he was enrolled in johns Hopkins university. He was super excited and yearned for the college life in the future. However, the high tuition fee $39000 a year broke his heart. His family could not afford such a tuition fee at that time. So he ends up in university of Berkeley, which is a good choice for us but not for him. Our family all feel sorry for him because we believe that he deserve the top school to start his college life.From my perspective, I suggest that the government really need some policy on regulating educational expenditure that enable every person to get his or her education if he or she deserves it. In conclusion, both Thomas and King believe that the American dream is still alive. However, Thomas blames dysfunctional government for economic recession while King says it is the inequality that cause problem. I agree with King’s view and I suggest government to cut some tuition fee and enact some policy on educational expenditure to give enough educational resource to these people who deserve it, because education is the key to economic prosperity.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Legal System Essay

â€Å"World order† is the term given to the balance of power among the nation states of the world. Differences between these nations can lead to a power imbalance, which affects world order. It can best be achieved through agreements between states and other international instruments that set out the ideal international standards of behavior for states on a number of issues. But conflicts arise between countries due to differences in cultural attitudes and the desire for extra territory. In order to settle such disputes the international community has legal bodies such as the United Nations to cooperate with countries to find solutions and be a leader in settling and spreading ethical standards. Their prime aim is to promote world order. But for society not only the autonomy of nations and the lack of enforcement power but also a range of other factors limit the effectiveness of such an organisations. Each country has its own perspective on world order and not all meets eye to eye. But it can be argued that world order is a necessity in today’s society. There are many conflicts between majorities and minorities or nation against nation that can take many forms such as guerilla, military and nuclear warfare. An example of a military conflict was the Gulf war between Iraq and the UN lead forces concerning the occupation of Kuwait. But not all conflicts fit into the category of direct confrontation; some arise when a group ignores the needs of another or exploits them. For example after a long civil war in 1996 when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. Many measures severely restricted women’s rights and alienated other Afghans. Due to an imbalance of economic power further conflicts can arise such as when a third world country cannot compete with developed nations because of the lack of capital they possess. When a dominant group expands its power by taking over territory and increasing its population and its resources, it is called expansion, which affects the international power structure that can possibly threaten world order. Even though it can be achieved through peaceful practices it mainly takes form in a conflict. In a stable global environment, interdependence, this means that nations rely upon others, can have favorable outcomes. But in an unstable world order, it can lead to conflict and the possible subjugation of weaker nations. Throughout history, local communities and indigenous people have suffered dramatically from conflict and expansion as more dominant groups have both directly and indirectly damaged their culture through the loss of customs, social structure and language. International crimes are criminal acts that have international repercussions on people, state, peace, law and enforcement of international law. The ICC has the jurisdiction over some international crimes. Such international crimes include apartheid (South Africa), genocide (Rwanda), Crimes against humanity (Former Yugoslavia), war crimes (Kosovo), piracy and hijacking. In the international sphere, force plays an important role in maintaining law and order which are critical in the success of world order. The use of force is seen as the most obvious way to maintain order and prevent or resolve conflicts. But it comes with such negatives as being highly expensive and costly in terms of the civilians and soldiers lost. Over the last century two world organisations have been established to prevent war and have legal authority to use force in certain circumstances. After World War One in 1920 the League of Nations was created as a place where governments could bring their disputes. But the L of N had no automatic right to intervene and most governments didn’t agree in bringing disputes before it. With limited membership and those that were members weren’t accustomed to working together, it was flawed. It was however able to make progress in the suppression of slavery, world health, the protection and care for refugees and settling minor disputes. But once the 1930’s began it cease to have any political relevance. After the failure of the League of Nations the United Nations formed, which founded a charter that outlined its purpose and methods of achieving it’s goals. The Un charter (1945) enshrined the idea that force or the threat of force should not be the norm in international relations. Although they were realistic enough to realise that force would sometimes be used. The UN was deliberately created as a more ambitious organisation and has six main organs: The Security Council, the General Assembly, Secretariat, the Security Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice and Trusteeship Council. Membership is based on whether the nation state is â€Å"peace loving† and willing to accept all the obligations of the UN Charter. The Security Council consists of fifteen member states with only five permanent members, which have the power to veto majority decisions. These five permanent members are Britain, France, USA, China and Russian Federation, which reflect the dominance each has in the world order (except Russia). The UN gives the Security Council, which is responsible for international peace and security, two ways of dealing with a threat to world peace. The first involves the use of peaceful methods such as economic sanctions. The second involves the use of armed forces. Peacekeeping is defined by as: The maintenance of international peace using formed troops under UN control to prevent the outbreak or renewal of fighting or by stabilising a situation sufficiently to promote peace. † – Butterworths Australian Legal Dictionary. The Un Peacekeepers are an assembly of a very diverse, international group of soldiers and civilians, which assists in settling disputes that restores the peace in an area. However it doesn’t constitute an army as often they are made up of doctors, nurses and pilots. In many situations UN peacekeepers help clear landmines, train civilians and even monitor elections. For example in Namibia, the UN peacekeepers supervised a democratic election, which lead to the county’s sovereignty. The presence of peacekeepers can have positive affects such as the limit in the spread of violence in Haiti and Cyprus, but in other places they have been less successful i. e. the UN peacekeeping in Somalia in 1992. As Somalia fell into clan-based civil war, the country collapsed and the UN was unable to restore peace and eventually departed as Somalia remained in chaos. Originally the five permanent members of the Security Council were meant to coordinate the peacekeeping forces. But in reality they are conducted outside the UN’s regular budget, where national governments deployed troops to the peacekeeping efforts. Much of the peacekeeping is done by Ireland, Sweden and Australia. Australia has contributed either military forces or police to 54 peacekeeping forces and in 1999-2000 Australia played a leading role in reestablishing order in East Timor. Australia has also conducted peacekeeping efforts outside of the UN’s operation in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. On the other hand the UN peacekeepers are limited in their effectiveness as they can only use force in self-defense, therefore they cannot directly intervene unless they are shot at and made themselves targets of conflict. Due to the dominance of some states in the world order, there is no equal treatment between nations states, which are members of the UN. Even though the UN charter states that there must be equality, in practice it does not exist. Due to the nature of certain UN bodies it is inevitable that smaller states are marginalized. However the situating of the United Nations in New York enables every member to sit side by side and have an immediate translation of languages, which breaks down barriers to communication. The UN has successfully raised the conscience of human rights through its conventions and the attention to specific abuses through its resolutions. But its ability to function is hampered by its financial problems as it is expected to govern the country on $8 billion per year, which is less than the amount of money the world spends on defense each week. It is resource ineffective as it ahs gone deeper in to debt as countries are slow to pay. Its enforceability is limited as it lacks the power to sufficient apply equal force to every nation should members ignore UN resolutions. War is not the only means of ending a conflict; a more peaceful method is through international tribunals. The International Court of Justice is an arm of the UN and is therefore one of the worlds main judicial bodies. Established in 1946, it is sometime referred to as the ‘world court. With its jurisdiction applies when it is in accordance with international law. Its primary role is to decide matters submitted by countries and to advise on the matters. It can also apply its authority when there is a special agreement about a dispute in which the parties to a treaty nominate the ICJ as the mechanism for resolution. The ICJ is a permanent court where 15 judges are elected by the UN Security Council and the General assembly. Not only can the ICJ resolve disputes by making a ruling, it can also generate political pressure to persuade countries to alter their behavior. In theory, the courts decisions are binding and without appeal. However in practice the losing party unwilling to abide by the ruling and the Security Council often limits its effectiveness is restricted to enforce the ruling. For example in the case of the US versus Nicaragua (1984), the decision stated that the US had to cease unlawful terrorist activities against Nicaragua and ordered that the US pay reparation. However they refused to pay and subsequently withdrew from the ICJ. But one of the main limitations the ICJ has is that only states can be parties to cases before the court. No individual, organisation or company can bring forth a matter. Plus both parties need to agree to have the court hear the matter. This is a dilemma in itself as the rulings are final and no country is going to openly dispute the matter where there is a possibility of losing. Its restrictive power reduces its ability to take initiatives and its lack of power to enforce and police its decisions has become a major criticism. The International Criminal Court ICC was established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for committing genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes. The ICC is a treaty based, legal entity independent from the UN. Despite this autonomy it works closely with the UN to promote the rule of law. The ICC has the power to imprison the offender if found guilty for life but does not offer the death penalty. One of the main objectives to the ICC is that some countries believe that there is little supervision of the court’s apparatuses and the verdicts may become subject to political matters. For the ICC, it has taken four years for the required sixty signatures to be gained and the treaty ratified. The United States of America can undermine the proceedings of the court by refusing to supply evidence and witnesses, like any other country can. During the 1990’s several atrocities where occurring in the Balkans and Africa. This resulted in specialist tribunals developed to deal with the specific investigations. War crimes and crimes against humanity were happening in former Yugoslavia. Thus in 1993 the UN Security Council created a new war crimes tribunal. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) had the jurisdiction over breaches of the Geneva Conventions and international customary law. On 12 February 2002, Slobodan Milosevic, the former president of Yugoslavia was charged of the planning and implementing, on a widespread and systematic scale and attack on the civilian population of Kosovo. Kosovo, which was a province of Serbia, had a majority population of Muslim Albanians and Slobodan was accused of leading a campaign of â€Å"ethnical cleansing†. This was the first time a former head of state had faced charges of crimes against humanity. Unfortunately Milosevic died in 2006 before his trial concluded. The fact that the ICTY tried Slobodan, illustrate that justice can be achieved when nations cooperate with the international community. In Africa, more specifically Rwanda, genocide was occurring between the two main ethnic groups the Hutu and Tutsis. Based on the ICTY model in 1994 the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was established to prosecute those responsible for genocide in the republic. This tribunal was instated in response to over whelming pressures and has started a series of trials. These Ad Hoc tribunals have one specific purpose and may take time to be established which could mean the loss of thousands of lives. It is not a permanent body and will disband once trials have concluded. Sometimes as in the case with the ICTY where the main target is one person, it can suppress other investigations as most of its resources may be deployed in trailing that one person. The nature of Ad Hoc has proved to be cost ineffective and time consuming. International instruments such as treaties and customary law form the principle source of international law and are some measures of achieving world order. Treaties, which can also be called conventions, statutes or charters, are binding agreements. They formalise the process where by governments through international agencies work together on common problems. The two types of treaties are bilateral and multilateral treaties in where states agree on terms and the parties are therefore bond by it. Since 1945 there has been some significant treaties signed that are an indispensable part of the current world order

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Part III Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Part III Marketing Plan - Essay Example Through sites such as Facebook and Twitter, I will post pictures of Lagree Fitness facility`s new product that is â€Å"The Megaformer â„ ¢Ã¢â‚¬  with detailed information on the efficiency and importance of this machine as opposed to others. Through likes and positive comments on social sites, I will determine the success of Facebook and Twitter in advertising my products. I will also monitor the traffic to the page of the advert to determine its success. As a result, I will increase sales of my products and services. Social media advertisement is free. Thus, I will not have major things about it in the budget. Equally important, it advisable to use sales promotion as a strategy for increasing sales of products and profit margin. Most companies promote their goods or services through various channels such as media and non-media. Moreover, according to Kazmi and Batra (2009), efficient and appropriate sales promotion results in increased value of products since it is used to persuade and inform the audience of the importance and purpose of the product and services. Similarly, through sales promotion I can reach a wider audience and educate them on the importance of going to the gym. I will encourage free visits to Lagree Fitness Facility by various people to give them an overview of what I offer and its advantages over other similar services in the market. Through these free visits, they will have a feel the new service that is â€Å"The Lagree Fitness Method†and give an immediate response. Thus, I will immediately know the reaction of my target customers and get vital information on whether to alter some elements in my services or not. Furthermore, through promotion I will also get an opportunity to sell some of my services to various people at a subsidized fee. Additionally, I will evaluate the success of this marketing strategy through observing the number of visits

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal Statement for international relations course - 1

For international relations course - Personal Statement Example It is my considered opinion that Russia has to perforce work with the comity of nations as a team member. The world is now more or less globalised, and no nation can afford to ignore the claims of international relations. It has been acknowledged that the people of my generation have to come forth and shoulder the onerous task of improving international relations. This is a sine qua non, and failure to do so will ensure the isolation of Russia within a short span of 10 years. The unswerving objective to embark upon this course is my primary motivator in life. In school, I became an acknowledged leader, as evidenced by my being offered the post of a prefect, within a year of my joining school. This served to render me more responsible, reliable and patient. I assiduously studied Economics, History, Mathematics and Politics, which enhanced my analytical and writing skills substantially. This enabled me to participate in the Royal Economic Society Competition of 2014, which demands superlative analytical and writing skills. My essay was titled â€Å"Is Independence Consistent with Scotland Keeping the Pound?† Moreover, I am experienced in international relations due to my tenure in a law firm located in China. This firm is one of the best in China, in the area of international conflicts. Consequently, I became an adept in international relations. Thus, I have become familiar with Chinese law, international law, and the reasons behind the emergence of disputes between nations. My Russian origin and employment in China made me proficient in several languages. As a result, I can research and analyse information from diverse sources and in different languages. Furthermore, this expertise has significantly improved my capacity to solve problems, evaluate arguments and separate facts from redundant and irrelevant information. My fairly considerable written and verbal skills have made me competent in presenting and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

2014 denominated the top five countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2014 denominated the top five countries - Essay Example The Euro is a currency used by 17 member countries within the Eurozone. The European Central Bank is the central bank for the joint Eurozone countries. According to forex traders, the euro can trade in between 30 to 40 pips on average, albeit prone to changes in the bond market. Today, 1 Euro is equivalent to U.S. $ 1.36. Established in 1882, the Bank of Japan controls the second largest economy in the world. The Japanese Yen has become popular in less developed economies in Asia such as Vietnam, North Korea, Cambodia, and Laos. As a result of the growing Japanese economy, the Yen has drastically improved; 1Japanse Yen is equivalent to 0.0098 U.S. dollar. The British Pound, Queen’s currency, is controlled by the Bank of England. Until the World War, the British Pound had been the most traded currency in the world. On the contrary, the currency now exchanges with the U.S dollar at $ 1.70. The Swiss Franc is served by the Swiss National Bank, with both public and private ownership. According to forex trading reports, one U.S. dollar was equivalent to 5 francs back in 1994. Today, 1FR exchanges as U.S. $

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Experience of Buddhist Mindful Meditation Essay - 1

My Experience of Buddhist Mindful Meditation - Essay Example The frustration doesn’t always happen sometimes falling asleep will occur through the exhaustion of thinking about the issue. Meditation is not an art to me it is a task. Meditation is not a way of life for me it’s an emergency. Meditation is a cry for help. Meditation is a deep stare into a blissful world of taking me away. Meditation is so many things that take up a lot of time but accomplish nothing. Meditation is a way of making me feel as though I’m still trying in a lost cause. Meditation is recommended by so many using the words ‘just take some time to think about it’. Meditation has been around for years yet only a few groups use it as a way of life. ‘A way of life’ is a strong statement. To speak of one’s way of life is to speak of the rules or guidelines one has set to live by. In the instance of the Buddhist, meditation is a strong guide in life. Buddhist meditation is a way of directing one’s thoughts to be at peace with oneself and others. Buddhist meditation can be described as the art, the very essence of a Buddhist’s life. Thinking as a Buddhist, adopting their concept of life, using meditation put me in a totally different frame of mind. I had to change my view of meditation from last resort to first resort. Meditation changed for this exercise from an insignificant part of life to life’s guiding light. In order for something to guide my life and for me to follow, there must be consistency, reliability and a proven success rate. Engaging in the materials provided to me as well as extra research, Buddhist mindful meditation has been consistent, reliable and successful in the life o f a devout Buddhist. My approach to this exercise then became more of an interest than a task.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Comparative Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Comparative Literature - Essay Example Europeans regard cannibalism as a wrongful activity but the writings indicate that cannibals cannot be regarded as savage and brutal people. They kill and eat human beings not for their appetite but for their glory and virtue. Moreover, the killing is not done as massive as is done in civilized societies. According to the writers, the civilized societies can be categorized as more savage and barbarous as compared to cannibalistic societies because humankind is dealt much more brutally and cruelly in civilized societies. The information collected about the cannibals is not a mythic story or some tale but judged events. The cannibals lead a well structured life according to their own setup. They are away from technology and innovation but they are near to nature. The cannibals are governed by natural laws. They also have their own religions and priests who preach them about love and hatred. They show love towards their families. They do not fight for physical belongings but for their valour and glory. They kill their enemies and keep their heads with themselves. They take prisoners, kill them and eat them afterwards by roasting. Europeans show sympathetic attitude towards cannibals on the basis of their own social values. They consider that cannibalistic societies are better than European societies because they do not show greed for physical belongings. This paper contains a detailed account of European attitudes regarding cannibalism in the light of two writers, Jean de Lery and Michel de Montaigne. Cannibalism can be defined as an activity in which, human beings are involved in eating other human beings (Lestringant 1997). Some humans consider other humans as their food in place of taking other types of foods available. The word cannibalism is also employed when one species is involved in eating its own kind. Cannibalism takes place when the enemies or other people are considered less than human and they are regarded as an

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Drugs and Economic Factors on crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drugs and Economic Factors on crime - Essay Example Pennsylvania in 2000 had approximately a population of 12,281,054. For the year 2000 the State of Pennsylvania had a total crime index of 2,995.3 reported incidents per 100,000 people. Pennsylvania had the 43rd highest total crime index. Pennsylvania had an incident rate of 420.0 per 100,000 people for offences which were violent in nature. The state was ranked as having the 23rd highest occurrence for violent crime among the states. Washington D.C. unlike cities like Pennsylvania has very stringent gun restriction laws. These gun restrictions have not proved to be really effective. The crime rate of Washington D.C. is very high compared to the other neighboring states like Pennsylvania which do not have gun restriction laws. A review of the areas in the United States has shown that areas like Washington D.C., Chicago, New York which have the most regulative gun laws have the highest violent crime rate. Areas in the U.S. with have fewer gun control laws and higher gun ownership also surprisingly has the least crime rate Some scholars like John Lott believe that more gun restrictions lead to increased crime and violence. But scholars like Steven Levitt advocate that neither the presence nor absence of gun control laws have any significant effect on the crime rate. Steven Levitt believes that legalized abortion is one of the most important factors responsible for the crime rate in U.S. Levitt in his book Freakonomics has argued in favor of legalized abortion as the single most important factor responsible for reducing violent crime in U.S. ... Levitt has shown from statistics that legalized abortion has contributed immensely in bringing down the crime rate because he is of the opinion that unwanted children commit more crimes than wanted children. The legalization of abortion has resulted in fewer unwanted children and thus has helped in the reduction of crime over the years (Levitt, 2006). Even a comprehensive review of the published studies of gun control in 2004 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was also unable to arrive at any statistically significant effect that either the pro gun or no gun laws had on the crime rate. (Gun Politics, 2006) A recent study in the journal of the American Medical Association has reported that the 1994 Brady Law has done effectively nothing to reduce the crime rate. Thus it can rightly be said that gun control schemes have no relation to crime or to prevention of brutality (Blanks, n.d.) But the supporters of gun control believe that the crime rate can only be brought down through effective gun control. These supporters by believing so overlook the multifaceted factors responsible for crime and violence (Blanks, n.d.) Thus it is a fallacy to suppose that gun control laws will help to reduce crime and violence in the United States. It is an erroneous belief because then the areas with most guns would not have had the least crime rates. There are multiple factors responsible for crime and violence. If the crime rate has to be reduced then unlawful drug use and addiction, age demographics and poverty are the areas that have to be improved and worked upon. There are multiple population characteristics. Age is one of them. It is widely believed that rising teenage population leads to increase in the crime rate. A separate juvenile justice system is gradually

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critiquing a piece of paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Critiquing a piece of paper - Essay Example s the authors indicated the aim of the discourse as â€Å"to discuss the ethical issues highlighted by the case (where a patient had longstanding medical issues which led to her four months’ stay at the ICU and reportedly dependent on ventilator support, haemodialysis and total parenteral nutrition) and to provide a course of action for the patient that suitably addresses these issues† (DeMaio and Clendenen par. 2). In doing so, the authors established evaluating ethical issues, as well as end of life principles of care. To support the line of argument, it is commendable for the authors to have used simple and concise words and language that could be easily comprehended by readers of diverse educational backgrounds. The structure of the discourse was also effective in enhancing the readers’ understanding of the arguments through subdividing the article in sub-headings, such as the definitions of core principles in medical ethics; current guidelines for the transition to end-of-life care; and the ethical issues facing patients who manifest symptoms and in the situations provided within the guidelines. To evaluate the authors’ choices of secondary sources of information to support their contentions, one could deduce that from the 29 references, only 10 references were sourced from 1990 to 2000 (which could be considered outdated) and the rest, 19 was sourced from 2001 to 2010, where 15 or 79% were fairly recent (from 2006 to 2010). Of those sourced from references beyond 10 years ago, majority were guidelines from the American Medical Association which could be deemed applicable until contemporary times, unless otherwise revised. There is therefore enough credible evidence to support and prove the contentions in the identified case through expounding on patient’s autonomy, a patient’s quality of life, and medical futility. The discussion on the role of decision-makers in cases of surrogates and any conflicting interests regarding transitions to palliative

Expansion of an Irish College IBAT into Mexico Essay

Expansion of an Irish College IBAT into Mexico - Essay Example Strategic and operational management are linked with each other. Strategic management aims to provide direction, guidance and boundaries of operational management (Steiner, 1997, p.4). Therefore Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit in between the organizations capabilities and goals along with the changing marketing opportunities (Kotler, 2008, p.34). The project report is about the expansion of an Irish Collage ‘IBAT’ in Mexico. Thus for this reason PESTEL analysis is carried out to understand the macro environment of Mexico, along with an analysis is conducted upon the education sector of Mexico. When a brand move into a new place it has to face cultural difference which needs to be tackle properly and for which human resource team needs to work effectively so that the business and the employees can adapt to the new culture and environment. Thus IBAT can take the opportunity of the growing education sector of Mexico and add to its advantage. Macro Environment The Macro environment consists of framework, PESTEL. The PESTEL framework aims to categories the environmental influences into six main types which include political, economical factors, social, technological factors, environmental and legal factors. It is essential for mangers to understand the key drivers of change and also the impact of these factors on market, industries and also on individual organization (Johnson, 2008, p.65). Political factors: The basis of Mexican politics lies in the context of modernizing the elements. With the above context certain ongoing trends have appeared in the recent years such as modernization of politics and anchoring of democracy. Regional politics is widely dominated by the local entrenched strongmen who often tend to represent families who have been powerful during the colonial times (Klepak, 2008, p.3). But the country faces some political risk which is based on many possibilities. The first and foremost risk arises from terrorism and drug violence, corruption, congressional Stalemate and Guerrilla activity and sabotage. Therefore, the above factors may put an immense risk on the political condition of Mexico (Schtulmann, 2010). Economical factors: Mexico is ranked as an upper middle income country by the World Bank. In Mexico poverty is widespread, about 44% of the Mexican population lives below the poverty line. The economy of Mexico grew by 5% in 2010 after a recession experienced by the Mexican in 2009 during the phase of global economic crisis. The country’s tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was about 17.5% during the recession which was recorded the lowest among the OECD members. Mexico is among the popular tourist destinations across the globe. It has attracted about 21.3 million tourists in 2010 and has become the tenth most popular tourist destination. Thus tourism has contributed to the economy of the country and has recorded about $11.8billion (US State Department, 20 11). Social Factors: Mexico is one of the most populous Spanish countries in the world. About 76% of the Mexican people live in the urban area. The population of Mexico City is about 22million making it one of the largest concentration of population in Western Hemisphere. Mexico has been able to made significant changes in education sector and the literacy rates over the past few decade have decreased drastically. According to a report of World Bank, enrollment at the primary level is universal and more amounts of children are completing their primary education. Technological Factors: The future of Mexican population depends largely on the utilization of knowledge so that the country is able to meet the economic,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Water shortages in urban areas Essay Example for Free

Water shortages in urban areas Essay An analysis of the â€Å"Impacts of water rationing on public health†: Case study of Makokoba, Bulawayo Introduction Zimbabwe local governance is made up of a system of city councils and municipalities which are mandated to provide water and sanitation services and goods to their respective residents. This system has been effective during the colonial era where the urban areas were less populated than there are at the present moment. The Zimbabwe post-independence period has seen a large influx of people into the urban areas. The population growth in urban areas meant that most city councils and municipalities are failing to cope with the water demand. The major reason is that the rate of population increase in urban areas is by far greater than that of improving or increasing the existing water supply. Background information However worries over water supply in Bulawayo is only part of a larger trend across urban Africa1. Water is vital to any development, and its availability or dearth is a major driving force behind migration, population growth, and economic development, among other factors. As a whole, Africa has relatively ample water supply potential2. Bulawayo is the second largest city in Zimbabwe, which was established in the 1840s. Its economy was built around it being a center of industry for the nation and a hub of transportation for the Southern Africa region. With this economic development, Bulawayo saw an unabated increase in water demand over the past three decades, with increasing urbanization, economic activity (until 2000), and population growth, which has steadily increased over time, to around 655675 (CSO 2012), in line with urban areas across Zimbabwe3. Bulawayo as a city and province has failed to secure a long term and sustainable water resources to meet its water demands both domestic and industrial. Its main water supply was reliant on five dams but currently being supplied by Insiza and Lower Ncema and Umzingwane with the other two being decommissioned. This led to the city council to introducing the 72hours per week rationing strategy to save the remaining water resources prior to the rainy season. The water stress currently being faced by the city is attributed by several factors such as its geographical location, increased population, climate effects and underdevelopment of infrastructure4. DAM VOLUMES 9/09/13

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sports Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy

Sports Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy Introduction: Biomechanics is the sport science field that applies the laws of mechanics and physics to human performance, in order to gain a greater understanding of performance in athletic events through modelling, simulation and measurement (Wood, 2009). According to Mcginnis, (2004), Biomechanics is useful to sports and can identify what forces may have caused an injury, how to prevent the injury from recurring and what exercises may assist for injury rehabilitation. It can be used for alternations in technique, equipment or training to prevent or rehabilitate injury. The general role of Biomechanics is to understand the mechanical cause-effect relationships that determine the motions of living organisms. In relation to sport, Biomechanics contributes to the description, explanation, and prediction of the mechanical aspects of human exercise, sport and play. Sports biomechanics offers methods by which the very fast actions which occur in sport can be recorded and analysed in detail. An importa nt application of sports biomechanics with any sport is the definition and understanding of skills. This can help in the coaching process and as a result enhance the learning and performance of those skills (Reilly and Williams, 2003). When looking at golf it is clear to see a lot of skill is involved during the swing. Hung and Jani, (2004) stated that the golf swing is one of the most complex biomechanical motions a human can make in sport. The aim of the golfer must be to make a consistent strike of the ball to propel it in the desired direction for a given distance. Furthermore the hip plays an important role in the golf swing. The Hip joint: The hip joint is one of the largest and most stable joints in the body. It is a ball and socket joint that consists of the head of the femur connecting with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle. The pelvic girdle, including the hip joint plays an important role in the supporting the weight of the body while offering mobility by increasing the range of motion in the lower extremity. The acetabulum is the concave surface of the ball and socket joint, facing anteriorly, laterally and inferiorly. Furthermore the spherical head of the femur fits snugly into the acetabular cavity, giving the joint both congruency and a large surface. Both the femoral head and the acetabulum have large amounts of spongy trabecular bone that facilitates the distribution of the forces absorbed by the hip joint (Floyd and Thompson, 2001; Nordin and Frankel 2001; Uys, 2004). Ligaments of the hip: According to Callaghan et al, (2006) several strong ligaments reinforce the capsule of the hip joint. These include the iliofermoral ligament, the pubofemoral ligament and the ischiofemoral ligament. The iliofemoral ligament is the strongest ligament in the body and helps to prevent extension of the femur when the body is standing erect. It is a Y-shaped band of very strong fibres that connects the lower front iliac spine of the coxal bone to a bony line (intertrochanteric line) extending between the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur. However the pubofemoral ligament extends between the upper portion of the pubis and the iliofemoral ligament. Its fibres also blend with the fibres of the joint capsule of the hip joint. The ischiofemoral ligament is made up of a band of strong fibres that originate on the ischium just behind the acetabulum. These fibres blend with the fibres of the joint capsule of the hip. (Pickering, 2009) Muscles of the Hip: The muscles of the hip joint are those muscles that cause movement in the hip. Most modern anatomists define 17 of these muscles, although some additional muscles may sometimes be considered (Mind Body Motion, 2007). These are often divided into several groups. These muscles control the movements of the hips. According to Ãâ€"zkaya et al, (1999) the psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris, pectineus and tensor fascia latae are the primary hip flexors. These are also used to carry out activities such as running, walking and kicking. The gluteus maximus and the hamstring muscles are hip extensors. The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are hip abductor muscles providing for the inward rotation of the femur. The gluteus medius is also the primary muscle group stabilizing the pelvis in the frontal plane. The adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magus and gracilis muscles are the hip adductors and also provide for the outward rotation of the femur. Movement of the hips: The hip joint allows for the greatest range of movement as it has the capacity to move in three planes, about three axes. It also has a great deal of mobility, which allows normal locomotion in the performance of daily activities. Kolt and Mackler, (2003), state that the hip joint has three degrees of freedom of motion which include flexion-extension in the sagittal plane, abduction-adduction in the frontal plane (figure 3.2) and external-internal rotation in the transverse plane. Golf The modern golf swing has evolved with this use of technology, both in equipment and analysis; as well as the physical training the golfers now go through. The golf swing is a very complex body motion, involving a large range of movement of the upper limbs that act as a link between the golf club and the body, with the lower limbs acting as the main movement promoting areas. Limitations in the body in terms of flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, or power can create faults in the swing from a biomechanical perspective. As a result, most of the successful golfers in the world today, are relatively fit, flexible and strong compared to in the older generation of golfers. Improved technology in gyms has given golfers the opportunity to strengthen specific and key muscles used in the swing. Hip rotation is very important to the effectiveness of the golf swing. According to Hill, (2007), it holds the key to a powerful swing. To increase power and ball-striking ability the hips need to rotate properly during the swing. According to Atherton,(2009), most amateur golfers rotate their hips too far during the backswing, which makes it difficult for them to get their hips to open up to the target at impact, a key component of a successful swing. However, the increased risk of hip injury is a relatively recent hazard for golfers, arising from the greater rotation favoured by the modern golf swing. This adaptation of this technique itself reduced the incidence of low-back injury among golfers. The downswing begins with a forward movement of the hips that, with good golfers, actually begins approximately 0.1 seconds before the club head reaches the limit of the back swing. This moving forward of the hips rotates the whole upper body and moves both levers through the first part of the downswing (Hay, 1993). The forces responsible for this forward movement of the hips and the lesser forces exerted by the same hip and leg muscles later in the downswing have been estimated to account for 2.5 hp of the total 3-4 hp generated in a good drive. Thus it can readily be seen that the muscles of the hips and legs constitute the main source. A series of EMG studies have described the role of the hip muscles during the golf swing (Thain and Alistair, 2002). A study by Tsai et al, (2004), showed that hip abduction strength was significantly higher in better golfers. In addition it stated all the hip movements tended to be stronger in the best golfers who had the lowest handicaps and longest driving distances. In one study performed by the University of Umea in which the muscle activities in 13 male professionals while performing a golf swing were analysed using dynamic surface electromyography (EMG) and the muscle activities were measured in percent of maximum manual muscle testing (MMT) of each muscle. During the forward swing, gluteus maximus, expressed the highest muscle activity during a complete golf swing (84%). This indicates that especially the trailing side, gluteus maximus, is an important hip stabiliser as the golfer shifts the weight to the target side and the golf club begins to accelerate (Grinell, 1999). In golf the hip is especially exposed to high-velocity internal rotation on the downswing, requiring a great deal of eccentric gluteus muscle control. Set-up, ball positon, alignment and posture are essential for a good swing. However according Shamus, ( 2001), the most common characteristic of an improper setup position is failing to use a hip-hinge motion to obtain the primary spine angle. Furthermore evolved technology has made it easier for golfers and coaches to analyse the golf swing and correct mistakes made by the golfer. Technology advances: (ASTAR and Powerstool) The Astar digital video technology is the latest, highly sophisticated software that evaluates and analyses recorded golf swings. This means that golf instructors can literally capture and illustrate every aspect of a students swing to determine and remedy any problem areas. It automatically creates a video file of the entire desire motion (for a golf swing from address to follow-through). Astar includes all necessary functionality to analyze technical performance, hence improve the golf swing by this method of analysis. By using the very latest A Star professional software, golf swings can be analysed from many different angles and a plan can be put in place for the improvement of any golf swing (ASTAR, 2006). The powerstool is another example of advanced technology used to improve the golf swing. It mimics the perfect golf swing as close as possible enabling the golfer to get inot the most efficent position (Strachan, 2009).The powerstool makes sure the golfer achieves the right amount of hip turn and shoulder turn. This helps to reduce tension and strain that is common with over turning. Technology in footwear and insoles has also developed throughout the years making golf shoes more comfortable and blister free. It has also been proven that specific golf shoes reduce injuries of the lower extremities. In addition, according to Light, (2008), the use of custom foot orthoses to change the mechanics of foot function may improve hip extension and create prolonged relief of low back pain symptoms. As a result, they provide a viable alternative to surgery to treat hip and back painmaking it pain free for golfers. Orthoses are also helpful for supporting the arch of the foot, offloading specific pressure points in the foot, and cushioning the heel. Furthermore it was claimed that orthoses could be a non-invasive approach to improving biomechanics and possibly pain. ECCO golf, (2009) states that their golf shoes use a double-layer inlay sole that ingeniously absorbs heel force, reducing the impact felt by your knees, hip and back. That same heel force is also used to power an air-circulation system that ensures a fresh, dry and cool environment for your feet making it comfortable for the golfer. In conclusion, it is clear to see that technology is evolving a rapid rate with new advances in biomechanical parameters. Advances in analysis and equipment has been proven to improve general performance of all sports and even holds an important role in reducing injury and the rehabilitation of injury.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Impact Of Landfill Sites Essay

The Impact Of Landfill Sites Essay A landfill is a site for the disposal of wastes in a community. The use of landfills is the oldest form of waste management. Since the year 1992, Pennsylvania has been the largest importer of waste in the United States. In the year 2003, Pennsylvania received and accepted waste from twenty-eight states that also included Canada, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. The use of landfills has become an environmental problem not only for Pennsylvania but for the entire Continental United States. One of the biggest problems in Pennsylvania is in Elizabethtown. The landfill site in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania is currently a fifteen-acre sandstone quarry. This quarry has been operating as an unlicensed landfill from the years of 1958 to 1973 and was accepting an unknown amount of waste from surrounding communities. However, in the year 1985, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) discovered VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which are chemical components found in solvents and degreasers. Waste Management had arranged for the site to be covered with two feet of clay and six inches of topsoil in order to help prevent contamination from moving away from the site. They also included vents to avoid methane gas accumulation. All of these precautions were intended to help the communitys health and well-being. There are an estimated 13,200 people who receive their drinking water from private and public wells within three miles from the landfill site. The cleanup process included not only the vents to avoid methane gas accumulation, but also included a system to collect leachate, a sediment basin, and a drainage system. In the year 1990, the PRPs (potentially responsible party) had entered into a consent agreement with the EPA to work on studies to help determine the extent of contamination. However, it took nine years for the PRPs to agree to continue with the cleanup of the landfill site. The EPA selected different areas for the PRPs to focus on. Those areas included; capping and uncapping portions of the landfill, more studies on the surface and groundwater, and pumping and treating contaminated groundwater. Construction of the cap for the landfill began in 2002 and was completed in 2003. Also, the study of the groundwater was started in 2004 but wasnt completed, with results reported to the EPA until 2008. In June of 2008, the EPA completed a Five-Year Review of the site, which helps to determine if the steps taken to remedy the damage of the site was effective. However, according to the EPA, The remedy of the Site could not be determined to be protective of human health and environmental because volatile organic compounds in the groundwater may represent a pathway for vapour intrusions into buildings. ( So, in order to attempt to completely remedy the danger that is the landfill in Elizabethtown, PA, the EPA will be conducting a vapour intrusion study in 2010. Many dangerous landfills, usually ones that are not modern in technology and age, have come to the attention of the EPA. The process used to remedy the situation in the Elizabethtown landfill is a process used most times by the EPA to ensure the safety of the people in the surrounding communities. However, their work is never done. In order to ensure that the communities local to the landfill stay safe, the EPA and PRPs must continue to conduct tests and experiments constantly. Due to the encouraging and environmental strides by the EPA, modern landfills have become well-engineered facilities that are located, designed, operated, and monitored to ensure compliance with federal regulations. ( Due to constant upkeep is done by the EPA, a modern landfill is designed to protect the environment and the citizens surrounding the landfill from contaminations. Another breakthrough contributed by the EPA is the ability to collect possible harmful gas emissions and convert them into energy. Which not only helps the landfill from contaminations, it also donates to our energy crisis. In todays world, all municipal solid waste landfills must comply with federal regulations in order to keep the landfill safe. These regulations include location restrictions, composite liner requirements, leachate collection and removal services, operating practices, groundwater monitoring requirements, closure and post-closure care requirements, corrective action provisions, and finally financial assurance. All of the regulations are designed to ensure the proper care of these waste facilities and to avoid the harm of all living beings. One of the more important regulations required of landfills is the location restriction. The location restriction reassures that the landfill is built away from restricted areas such as faults, wetlands, or flood plains. The landfills are required to be built in a suitable geological area to support the hazardous waste that is contributed to the landfill each day. Another extremely useful regulation required of landfills is the operating practices. The operating practices include covering and compacting the waste constantly in the landfill and covering it with soil. In doing this, it helps to reduce odour, control rodents, insects, and litter. This, in turn, protects the public health and well-being of the community. All of these regulations have been put in place to help the general health and well-being of the people and animals in the community. If these regulations werent in place, there would be contaminated drinking water, heavy pollution, odour, and pests that would affect our health. The EPA also established restrictions on some materials, and have banned them from municipal solid waste landfills. These materials are broken down into two different types of waste materials, household hazardous wastes and household appliances (known as white goods). Some of the materials included in these categories are paints, motor oils, cleaners, refrigerators, or window air conditioners. The products in these categories can be hazardous to your health if not handled properly. Also, the household appliances, or white goods, are dangerous due to their need to rely on ozone-depleting refrigerants (which can include ammonia, sulphur dioxide, or methane). Many years ago, landfills could have or be disastrous. Most landfills contained toxins, contaminations, and poisons that were extremely dangerous to the health of the community. However, due to the efforts of the EPA and the government, that all has been changed. With the new regulations and restrictions, landfills are able to exist in our communities without having to be concerned with the everyday health of the people surrounding the landfill. Without the help of the EPA, the country would still be living in areas with contaminated air and water that would be hazardous to our health and environment.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Forgiveness and Marriage in Much Ado, Alls Well, and Measure

Forgiveness and Marriage in Much Ado about Nothing, All's Well That Ends Well, and Measure for Measure      Ã‚   Shakespeare never does manage to make the journey to the end of his comic plays an easy one for his characters or his audience, and as his comedies evolve, the journey becomes even more difficult. Tragic elements and more psychologically complex characters increase the intensity of the ending and often make a reader or viewer question if there will be a happy ending at all. Specific male characters in three plays act as impediments to this comic ending, often prompted by a villainous character and sometimes by their own doing. These men: Claudio in Much Ado about Nothing, Bertram in All's Well That Ends Well, and Angelo in Measure for Measure for various reasons are not ready for marriage or love. Living in a patriarchal society, they are often more concerned with fighting in a war or preserving male bonds than they are with being in love or being married. The problems that occur between the couples about to be married or just recently married are essential because these men need to grow up and become responsible. The only way to change them is to let them commit these harmful acts and realize the consequence. The women: Hero, Helena, and Mariana must be strong enough to forgive them for the hurtful acts these men have committed against them in order for some semblance of a happy ending to take place.    The "crimes" committed by Claudio in Much definitely requires a great act of forgiveness but Hunter feels that forgiveness is the essential element in this play. He point out that "the love of man for woman (but not of woman for man) is seen too frail an emotion to sustain the pressures that are frequently put... ...nter, "Forgiving Claudio"    Works Cited Dash, Irene G. "When Women Choose: All's Well That Ends Well." Women's Worlds in Shakespeare. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1997. Friedman, Michael. "Male Bonds and Marriage in All's Well and Much Ado." Studies in English Literature 35 (1995): 231-248. ---. "'O, let him marry her!': Matrimony and Recompense in Measure for Measure." Shakespeare Quarterly. 46 (1995): 454-464. Hays, Janice. "Those 'soft and delicate desires' Much Ado and the Distrust of Women." The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Gayle Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely. Chicago, Urbana, London: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Hunter, Robert Grams. "Forgiving Claudio." Twentieth Century Interpretations of Much Ado about Nothing. Ed. Walter Davis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1969   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why the Tsars Power Crumbled in March 1917 :: Russian Russia History

Why the Tsar's Power Crumbled in March 1917 Why do you think the Tsar's power crumbled so swiftly in March 1917? Nicholas II ruled Russia from 1894-1917 and was to be its final tsar. He ascended the throne under the impression that he would rule his whole life as it's undisputed leader. Accompanied by his wife, Alexandra, they lived a comfortable life of luxury while the country suffered around them. Nicholas was determined to rule as harshly as his father; however, he was a very weak and incompetent character who did not posses the qualities capable of guiding Russia through its time of turmoil. It was a time of great upheaval. Peasants were demanding that the land of the great estate owners be turned over to them because there was not enough land to provide food for all the villages. This caused the migration of many peasants to the factories. Russia's industries were beginning to develop and the number of people living in towns was increasing. These people were the urban working class of Russia and they were not as eager to accept the poor wages and conditions as the peasants were. For centuries, autocratic and repressive tsarist regimes ruled the country and population under sever economic and social conditions; consequently, during the late 19th century and early 20th century, various movements were staging demonstrations to overthrow the oppressive government. Poor involvement in WWI also added to the rising discontent against Nicholas as Russian armies suffered terrible casualties and defeats because of a lack of food and equipment; in addition, the country was industrially backward compared to countries such as Britain, France, Germany, and the USA. It had failed to modernize, this was to do with the tsars lack of effort for reforms. The country was undergoing tremendous hardships as industrial and agricultural output dropped. Famine and poor morale could be found in all aspects of Russian life. Furthermore, the tsar committed a fatal mistake when he appointed himself supreme commander of the armed forces because he was responsible for the armies constant string of defeats. While the tsar was off defending the country, a strange 'monk' named Rasputin made his way into governmental affairs. Because of his ability to ease the pain of the tsar's sick young prince, Alexandra gave him great political control in the affairs of state. Rasputin had dismissed twenty-one ministers and replaced them with men of great incompetence.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Beauty essay Not Finished

By establishing unattainable standards of beauty and bodily perfection, the media drive ordain rye people to dissatisfaction with their body images. This dissatisfaction can result in resort s to drastic measures, and even disorders of behavior, as people try to achieve these unreachable g oils. While most people assume it is only women who are affected by this, the fact is that of the estimated 8 million Americans who suffer from eating disorders, one in et n is male.While for women the anxiety centers around magazines, for men, they see the images of ultramarine action heroes and that may be affecting the body image ideals of young boys. The shape of the action figures' bodies had changed enormously over the decades. The action figures of the twenties century sport much bigger shoulders and upper bodies than those of the asses and asses. One study revealed that college age men wanted to add an average of 30 lbs. Of muscle to their bodies because they felt it would make them more at tractive.Even thou GHz to most of those men, that goal is unreachable for their body type. For both women and men, t he more they look at unrealistic portrayals Of the human body, the lower their self esteem and the I rower their self 2 Christiansen esteem, the higher their chances of developing an eating disorder, depression , anxiety or other mental illnesses. Today's young girls are bombarded by overly thin body image sees increasing their anxiety over living up to the â€Å"ideal† body image. An Australian study found that t both sexes had similar body satisfaction levels until age thirteen.After this age, the satisfaction n rate of both sexes drops. By the time they are nineteen, males begin to feel more satisfied again, eventually surpassing their earlier adolescent score. Females, while improving, never gag in reach the distraction level they had as children. Can this all be blamed on the media? A after all, it is likely that most young Women have natural, reasonable f ears about adulthood, esp. Cecilia issues such as childbirth and aging. Does anyone really fear aging because most models are young, or do people fear it because aging leads to infirmity?The â€Å"ideal† image portrayed for a woman's body is elongated and slender, wit h large breasts. Men are considered attractive when they are tall and muscular, with argue shoulders and a narrow waist. The problem of body image and the media is not restricted in N Roth America. One duty, conducted with 1 00 Australian girls aged nine through twelve, revealed that 49 percent wanted to be thinner, even though 85 percent of the girls who participated in the study were classified as being a healthy weight. So even girls who were perfectly healthy, still wanted to be thinner.When young girls want to be skinny more than they want to be health why, this should be a huge wakeup call for the world. However this has been going on for a while, a ND it still seems that there are significant changes in t he media and the world. Parents need to recur agonize their responsibility to serve as role models. In a ‘Glamour† magazine survey only 1 3 percent of 33,000 girls responded that their mothers were satisfied with their bodies. In addition n, many parents are allowing their extortionately daughters to get breast implants instead of coo ensiling or therapy to 3 Christiansen address self esteem issues.Unfortunately, positive parental comments often are disregarded while negative remarks can be intensely internalized. While this may have terrible e effects on a teenager's body image, but it can hardly be blamed on the media. Did you know that 95% of people who diet instead of following a healthy meal Lana will gain back the weight they lose in between one and five years. 73% of teenage girls who abuse diet pills and 79% of teenage girls who sulfured frequently read women's fitness and he lath magazines. /10 of girls who are high school juniors and seniors diet while on y 1/1 0 of high school girls are overweight. The twentieth century is when thinness has become me ideal. It most likely comes from woman competing with men for jobs. Either thinner women were seen as more masculine, and therefore better sued for muscularly jobs, or it might have bee n a backlash driven y men in the fashion industry to force women to refocus on their looks at the e expense oftener careers. Regardless, either scenario is denigrating. Despite these stereotypes, many larger women have become very highly successful.The majority of runway model meet the Body Mass Index (IBM) criteria to be c noninsured anorexic. At 5'7 and 95 lbs. Kate Moss is 30% below her ideal weight. Based on their theoretical boatyard percentages, most mannequins would cease to menstruate if they we re real women. Many actors and musicians have admitted to struggling with eating disorders including Deem Lavabo, Katie Court, Lady Gaga, Kate Backline's and Kelly Clarion. In Allure magazine model and actress Elizabeth Hurley stated, â€Å"I've always thought Marilyn Monroe look De fabulous, but I'd kill myself if was that fat. Some companies have made efforts to promote less unrealistic body images. Omega in the United Kingdom refused to run advertisements in â€Å"Vogue† magazine because the models appeared anorexic. Brazil has tried setting body mass mind ex (IBM) minimums 4 Christiansen for their models. Quebec magazine â€Å"Coup De Pouch† includes full size women , while â€Å"Chatelaine† o longer touches up photos and employs models only over the age of twenty five. Yet a certain amount of healthy criticism is still required.Dove has received a lot of favor blew press for their campaign to assign the â€Å"real† beauty moniker to wider ranges of women, but I including the word selfsame in their ads does not necessarily promote it. After all, they're still a appealingly consumers to buy their personal care products. Actresses Cameron Ditz, Julia Roberts and the singer Diana Ross meet the BMW I criteria for anorexia. When â€Å"New Women† magazine featured a filigreed model on t heir cover, readers overwhelmingly responded positively. Advertisers immediately threatened to pull their business, and benthic models were reinserted.After all, they couldn't sell products to consumers who are satisfied with their looks. Although it is true, it just goes to show you that co nannies don't truly care if the products works for you, they only need your money. It is important to remember the unreal ways women are shown in the media. This can help you to accept yourself and feel better about your body. One out Of 10 gig rolls and women develops disordered eating behaviors such as anorexia, or bulimia. These did ceases can have serious longer health consequences on women's health, leading, in some c asses to death.

Narrative Written in the Perspective of a Holocaust Victim

Margot Heuman February 17, 1928 Hellenthal, Germany http://www. museumoftolerance. com/site/apps/nlnet/content2. aspx? c=tmL6KfNVLtH&b=5759983&ct=7872847 In early 1942, 14-year old Margot and her family were arrested, being sent to the Theresiestadt ghettos in Czechoslovakia. Her family was not separated until later when they were transported to Auschwitz. Seen One Day, Gone Another I've become emotionless, knowing the events that occur around me. Living in the ghettos in 1942 is hell; for me and everyone here, our lives have become a routine of slave labor and starvation. My sister and I work hard to produce anything our ruthless enemies want, in the hopes of getting another ration of bread. They work us to the bones in the factory till dusk. After being outrageously worn out, sweating away our lives at the factory, my stomach screams of hunger. Like a pack of starved lions being released and set toward their favorite prey, I feel the hunger boiling inside of me. I rush toward the already-forming line for nutrition. I reach the front of the line, grabbing a single slice of bread- the only dinner we are allowed. As I chew the tiny slice, I can sense the dry sourdough bread scratching my throat, like sand paper to wood. The pain that overtakes my body is unbearable, yet the thought of my beating heart that still circulates brings me joy; after all, this could be my last day alive. Standing with my family, we talk of the old days; the days when we were not starving for air or food, the days back in Hellenthal, Germany, â€Å"I miss your cooking, Momma. Your food always makes me happy. † said Lore, with as much breath as her body can allow, for her breath is weak and stained with smoke. She is the youngest in my family, making it hard to explain to her what is happening in her life. Being fifteen, even I understand the serious changes that have been made to our lives. â€Å"I know darling, don't worry. You are here with us. Everything is alright. But you have to understand, life is different now. Things most likely will never return to the way they once were,† my mom's words remind me of the life I will never see again. My body fills of distress. â€Å"Yes, my young Margot, my dear Lore, your mother and I do not plan to leave either of you anytime soon. We are here with you through this, we promise,† my dad agrees as we finish our bread. As I lay in my bunk that night, my thoughts are nothing but hateful, expect for when I think of what my parents told me at dinner, that only fills me with depression. What does Hitler know? All he has created is a world of death. My thoughts only connect to my hatred for him. Why did he do this to us? What have we done to him to deserve such grand torture? As I think of the reasons why he would plan such an event, I feel my body sink into my bunk, falling into an intense slumber, afraid for the next day's events. Praying for another day alive- I fall into a deep sleep that is only due to my over-worked body. ~~~~~~~ As I wake up the next morning, I feel the sun beaming down on my skin. Feeling my body decaying, my skin burns at the sight of the large sun through the wood planks of our prison. Once the entire camp is awake, I hear Franz, the general of our camp scream the words that always send shivers down my spine, â€Å"SELECTION TONIGHT! † he barks to us all, in the harshest tone I have ever heard from him. I feel the entire camps collective gasp. As everyone falls into a fit of worry, I gallop to find Lore through the hundreds of children who ponder their existence. I find my fragile sister huddled in the corner, scared for her life- she is trembling. I run to her aide knowing she needs me at her side. After finding her, the SS guards scream for order and silence. We jump from our places when we hear the barking demands, afraid of the blows that would come from their mallets if they find need to yell again. We both run out together to find mom and dad. Once we found the other remaining members of our family, we wait to find new directions from our camp leaders. â€Å"I wonder what’s going to happen. It always scares me when we have selections. † Lore confesses to us as we wait to be told where to stand. Franz's harsh words brought us unwanted fright throughout the next couple minutes. We are constantly scared for our well-beings, but on the days of selections, our worries triple. Who had I seen for the last time at the factory yesterday? Who from my past life, will be taken to the afterlife? These and many other thoughts rack my brains until I find the ultimate fear: Is this my turn? Will they call my number, and it will be my last day? As the sun light glistens in the distant sky, my family and I decide to pray before the selection begins, but right as my father begins the starting words of the prayer, there is a loud commotion. Thunderous screaming came from Franz and the guards. The selection is beginning earlier then we had expected. We jump into our formation as quickly as possible. I keep Lore close to me, thinking it would help our chances. Mom is being pushed toward the adult women line, and dad is directed over with the men. I feel my heart ripping at the seams. Suddenly, I could feel Lore trembling in my arms, â€Å"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. † I assured her as a bend to whisper in her ear. I pray my words of comfort are correct. Before the selection starts, Franz explains that the ghettos are being completely demolished. He proclaimed that there will be a train departing at the end of selection, leading the selected to a new concentration camp: Auschwitz. We all wonder what horrors or dreams take place this camp. Is it anything like here? There are only two options, Auschwitz or death. Which is better, God? To begin selection, the general screams orders to the men, telling some of them to get on the train, and others to file into another line. That line is the one that no one wants to join, the line that leads to the walk of death. As the women are selected, the anxiousness in my chest begins to race. It is almost our turn. I can’t see what is happening to the adults, and I definitely can’t see my parents anymore. I have no clue where my parents have been sent. The general finishes with the women, and slowing his strides aim towards us, the poor defenseless children. It all happens so quick, everyone is selected at a rapid pace; Lore and I are still in working-shape, so we are sent on the train, lucky to live one more day. Many of our friends have been brought to the train also, which is a blessing. As we settle into our spots on the train, I feel a sharp tug on my ragged t-shirt, it was Lore, â€Å"Where are mommy and daddy? † Her simple and worried question sent me into a downward spiral. Lost in my happiness at surviving, I had forgotten to check on the whereabouts of my parents. Increasing my worry I quickly look around the train, for any sign of them. They aren't here. There aren't anywhere. There were only two lines created at the selection, one for Auschwitz and one for†¦. I suddenly realize where they had vanished to. I feel heart drop to the bottom of my soul: they are gone. Never to be seen again. Never to laugh with again. Never to see their smiling faces when I wake up in the morning. Never to run to them when in need. Never to provide protection. As I realize what the circumstances that surround me, I feel Lore's presence on my side as she waits for an answer. How do I explain to her that she will never see them again? How do I explain that she will never taste the appetizing dishes mom would set on her placemat at dinner? How do I explain she will never play baseball with dad in the yard again? How? But, under my depression, I can't help but feel a glimpse of relief, for my sister and I are still alive and together. As tears stream down my eyes, I realize Lore will always need me at her side. Yet I also know, she must now hear some of the hardest words, she will ever hear. I clear my throat to portray a sense of composure, to tell of the events that have happened within the last twenty minutes. As I begin the tale, the train's horn blows and I can see the sun setting in the distance out the window of the train. Just twenty-four hours ago, I was standing with my parents talking about how they will always be there to help us. Now I’m left in charge. As I build up the courage to take on this new-found responsibility, I feel the train slowly begin our ride, our newest journey, to Auschwitz.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Confronting Physician- Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: My Father’s Death” by Susan Wolf

In the article â€Å"Confronting Physician- Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: My Father’s death† by Susan Wolf, I would also be â€Å"forced to rethink my objections to legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia†. (Wolf, 2008) I have never been put in this type of a situation where someone’s life depended on it. Having to make the decision to help someone move toward death sooner to ease the pain and suffering they are dealing with, is not something that can be taken lightly. Being left to make the final decision on ending someone’s life to help end their suffering can be completely hard to imagine doing. Watching someone suffer so much can also be very hard to endure. I have never been put in this type of situation and I hope I never have to but I am going to put myself in Susan Wolf’s place and give my point of view of the situation she was put in on such a big decision of a loved one. There are a lot of people who would rather end their life than continue to go on living with the pain and suffering they are dealing with. About three or four years ago, my father in law was suffering from Pulmonary Fibrosis, a lung condition that the tissues deep in the lungs become thick or scarred over time and some people would describe the lungs looking like honeycombs. He was diagnosed in 2000 and was only given about three years to live but lived for six. There were times he would say he â€Å"wishes there was a switch to turn off because he cannot take anymore of the suffering. † He was ready to end his life and the suffering but he kept going until November 15, 2008 when he passed away. He made sure that there was a do not resuscitate in place because he did not want to continue to suffer. Susan’s father’s physical health was declining and it was affecting his mental capacity as well.. She describes him as â€Å" a smart, savvy lawyer, the family patriarch. She could see his spark for life start to fade at the end when he could not even read or do the New York Times crossword puzzles he used to knock off in an hour, or even watch T. V. (Wolf, 2008) I would wonder how much worse this would become and how much longer he would have to live with the pain and the suffering of it all. It is not something I would want to endure myself. Susan’s father was ready to accelerate his departure and she wanted to consider the options and let him know his options as well. I would have done the same thing. Discuss the options available to make sure he gets what he wants. She was watching her father’s health dwindle so fast that she could ot let him continue to suffer anymore. Her father was the man who insisted that â€Å" he would want everything, even in a persistent vegetative state† (Wolf, 2008) was throwing in the towel and wanting to stop any more treatments and to further â€Å"accelerate† (Wolf, 2008) the process, had to be devastating reality that he had to face and something no one wants to face at all. There are a lot of people who think it is o. k. to assist with the ending of one’s life if the situation is right for it. There really is no way to tell if anyone wants to end their suffering unless there is written proof that they want to do so and have it signed and notarized by the patient. Everyone should have a say when it comes to our bodies especially if we are dying and suffering really bad. It will take the people speaking up and having their concerns heard before something can ever take place for people who are suffering very badly and do not want to suffer anymore. What about someone on life support that is in a lot of pain but cannot speak for their self? The decision is left to the families and sometimes the families opt to keep the person living even though that person may be in a world of pain but cannot speak for themselves. Then there are the ones that do take their loved one off of life support to stop the suffering. It is the same thing. Deciding what is right for the dying family member. It is a very tough decision to make just like it was for Susan Wolf in respecting her father and his wishes to just die and end the suffering. I do not think Susan made a wrong decision she help decide for her father. He was able to go naturally which she justified on her own level of moral. Assisted suicide is not a wrong choice if someone can no longer live with the pain and suffering they are enduring. It would be better to have paper work to prove this is what the person wants rather than the person taking their own life. I for one suffer on a daily basis with chronic pain that I cannot get diagnosed. There are days I am in more pain than I ever want to be and just want to end it for good but I am young and have four children and a husband I could not bear to leave behind. I deal with the pain and take medication to help keep it under control. I do hope that one day if it gets out of control, that I have the option to terminate my life if need be. The way I see it is no one should ever have to suffer. Everyone deserves to have peace and be peaceful in the end.ReferencesWolf, S. M. (2008). Confronting Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia:My Father’s Death. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Old Toen White Coffe Marketing

INTRODUCTION Old Town White Coffee, founded in 1999, made history when the company became the first, the pioneer white coffee producer to manufacture and launch the famous Malaysia Ipoh White coffee as a 3in1 instant Blend. Old town White Coffee 3in1 classic together with the original recipe from 1958 spearheaded a breakthrough in the coffee industry. The company single-handedly captured the original authentic taste of an otherwise localized white coffee, turning in into a mobile commodity a fast moving consumer good (FMCG), capturing the South East Asia market.LOGO, VISION & MISSION Logo The Old Town White Coffee goal is to let everyone enjoy every sip authentic Malaysian Ipoh white coffee anytime and anywhere. Vision To be Asian Pacific’s Leading White coffee producer providing high quality products to customers globally. Mission To promote our unique Malaysian taste- the authentic Ipoh White Coffee and continue White Coffee Legacy the rough continuous improvement and innova tion that exceeds customer expectations. By setting precedence Old Town White Coffee have made a standard that equals excellence, pushing other brands to do the same.Strive for continuous improvement, incorporate innovations and technology in our commitment to create customer value in our both product services. These continuing efforts maintain and reinforce our market leader status and more us forward to become a leading White coffee producer in Asia pacific. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS-The profits obtained by Old Town is quite high compared to other coffee shop in Malaysia. -Offer other foods, such as â€Å"heavy food†-Has many branches throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. | WEAKNESS-Old town coffee also depends an the coffee and makes them difficult to diversify their product. Innovation is slow because depend on one product only. | OPPORTUNITIES-Able to expend its operation to the global market to be introduction throughout ASEAN. -Able to re-brands and to compete wi th other company using the same material. | THREATS-Consequences from increasing of price of materials which they have use will be make the price product is also increase. -Product imitation is a very higher because they are using coffee which is very common. | STRATEGY BUSINESS STRATEGY All the store of Old Town Coffee White were located at high traffic, high visible location in each Asia market.That the market entry strategies have found to be used by Old Town White Coffee in managing their foreign franchisees when expanding into Asia include master franchising and company owner-stores. The marketing approach is essential to gain a competitive advantage for Old Town White Coffee in the foreign market the construct included market entry, site location, and market positioning. Reason for Old Town White Coffee to choose master franchise as its from of franchising is because of that the master franchising was the most popular made of entry into distant and cultural dissimilar market A sia.COMPETITIVE STRATEGY Targeting Old Town white coffee: While evaluating their consumer market the conclusion was that the ideal consumer’s economic profile will be Upper Middle Class, privileged Class. While the age demographics will be Students and Youngsters, Professionals, families, Mature Consumers. Gender and Ethnic or Religious Background was researched to have minimal or no effect on the choices concerning coffee made by consumers and their patronage of coffee houses. To maximize on brand name (signature) Costa signifies luxury, excellence in Coffee, all over the world, along with the theme of Costa.The marketing communication strategy for Old Town White Coffee is raising awareness of your product in your target market is where sales begin, and this is where marketing communications activities begin the selling process. With today's multiple channels for content to reach potential customers, the art and science of marketing communications has become increasingly imp ortant. However, no company can be sure they are using the most efficient media mix without creating a marcom strategy that is aligned with their overall strategic marketing direction.OPERATION STRATEGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In 2005, it expanded vertically into the food services sector by opening a chain of cafe outlets based on the traditional Ipoh coffee shop setting and ambience under the ‘OldTown White Coffee’ brand name. Since the opening of its first cafe outlet in Ipoh in 2005, its chain of cafe outlets has expanded to around 160 cafe outlets in Malaysia and Singapore. This includes fully and partially owned, and franchised cafe outlets.The management has successfully mixed tradition with modern conveniences, revamped and revived the traditional cafe concept into a successful working model with outlets conveniently located and easily accessible to customers. PRICING Price does affect customers’ choice on products or  services. Customers are willing to day more because they higher price means higher quality one brand offers. In brand competition, the best price any brand can offer is important yet they have to be careful not to  create bad consequences for long-term. BRANDINGThe Malaysian coffee culture also being improvises by re-branding to enhance experience and increasing sales by multiple transactions from regular customer. From small spaces and only selling few selections of foods, Malaysian coffee culture has expanded by upgrading services, more variety in food and beverage, and creating nostalgia as well as being chic and contemporary. The role of branding in local coffee culture not only providing space but might be escapism for consumer and local society from different hierarchy, not to mention that this is kind of lifestyle and culture that they embrace.As a new life style and trend, Malaysian coffee culture is very popular for all public audience. It has grown along with social change needs and demand. CONCLUTION Old Town White Coffee must be diversify use of coffee product that mention does not too slow. Because of Old Town White Coffee is one coffee shop famous in Malaysia, they should open branches throughout they country to compete with other company. In other way Old Town White Coffee should provide a various service such as shipping orders to customers house. REFERENCE http://www. malaysiaco. com/search/old+town+white+coffee http://www. oldtownwhitecoffee. com/

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Documentation Requirements for the Acute Care Inpatient Record Essay

The medical record is a tool for collecting, storing, and processing patient information. Records are being used daily for a multitude of purposes, including: providing a means of communication between the physician and the other members of the healthcare team caring for the patient providing a basis for evaluating the adequacy and appropriateness of care providing data to substantiate insurance claims protecting the legal interests of the patient, the facility, and the physician   providing clinical data for research and education ? General Guidelines for Patient Record Documentation ?†¢ Each hospital should have policies that ensure uniformity of both content and format of the patient record based on all applicable accreditation standards, federal and state regulations, payer requirements, and professional practice standards. ?†¢ The patient record should be organized systematically to facilitate data retrieval and compilation. ?†¢ Only persons authorized by the hospital’s policies to document in the patient record should do so. This information should be recorded in the medical staff rules and regulations and/or the hospital’s administrative policies. ?†¢ Hospital policy and/or medical staff rules and regulations should specify who may receive and transcribe a physician’s verbal orders. ?†¢ Patient record entries should be documented at the time the treatment they describe is rendered. ?†¢ Authors of all entries should be clearly identifiable. ?†¢ Abbreviations and symbols in the patient record are permitted only when approved according to hospital and medical staff bylaws, rules, and regulations. All entries in the patient records should be permanent. †¢ Errors should be corrected as follows: draw a single line in ink through the incorrect entry, and print â€Å"error† at the top of the entry with a legal signature or initials, date, time, title, reason for change, and discipline of the person making the correction. Errors must never be obliterated. The existing entry should be left intact with corrections entered in chronological order. Late entries should be labeled as such. ?†¢ In the event the patient wishes to amend information in the record, it shall be done as an addendum, without change to the original entry, and shall be clearly identified as an additional document appended to he original patient record at the direction of the patient, who will thereafter bear responsibility for the explaining the change. The health information department should develop, implement, and evaluate policies and procedures related to quantitative and qualitative analysis of patient records. ?†¢ Review any requirements outlined in state law, regulation, or healthcare facility licensure standards as they relate to documentation requirements. If your state requires that verbal orders be authenticated within a specified time frame, accrediting and licensing agencies will survey for compliance with that requirement.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Summary of an article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of an article - Essay Example Therefore it is no more a rare occasion for the hospitals to encounter the patients whose money is tight. In facts, according to the survey conducted by the American Hospital Association as early as in November 2008, 50 per cent of their members are facing the considerable increase of the number of patients who are willing to save money and switch onto cheaper health insurance schemes. Certainly the situation must be aggravated even more now that the national unemployment rate has increased 8 per cent. However, doctors – and this is a no surprise – have humane feelings, and are willing to help their patients in need. During this turbulent times, they are concerned not only about the state of their patients’ bodies and minds but also about the wellbeing of their purse or banking account. Some doctors, like, for example, Dr. Moritz whose advice to the patients has been quoted in the article, ask their long-term patients whether they are still employed first thing during the appointment. If the answer is no, then doctors assure them that their medical bills can be negotiated. How? First thing to remember is – doctors and hospitals are used to negotiating, as they have to do it themselves with the insuring companies. The cost of every single medical procedure may differ depending on which insurer the hospital does it for. Therefore, a patient’s wanting a discount will hardly get hospital’s accounting department shocked. What are the pieces of advice to those struggling to reduce their medical bills? When talking to doctors, take into account the following: speak up if you need help – as doctors will always help on this occasion. It is better to say blatantly about your financial difficulties, and you are most likely to get a good price break. As there is a very widespread problem with unpaid bills that causes hospitals to lose thousands of dollars annually, your offer to pay them cash upfront will make them happy,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Quality Tools (IP-Unit3) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quality Tools (IP-Unit3) - Research Paper Example These delays can be avoided if a standard procedure is followed. The current check in and check out procedures lack a few essential steps required in the standard procedure. These steps although are small, yet they are very effective in terms of customer satisfaction. These missing steps are the confirmations of certain pieces of information at check-in and check-out. The standard procedure for check-in and check-out takes less time than the time required for the Hotel’s current check-in and check-out procedures. So it would be wise to align the Hotel’s procedures with the standard procedures. Apart from this other services the hotel need to be reviewed as well. These services include room service, newspaper delivery, automated teller machine (ATM), baggage storage, beverage area, complimentary concierge desk, elevators, gift shop, laundry/valet service, local area transportation, lounge, luggage hold, multi-lingual staff, news stand, safety deposit box, shoe shine stand, tour desk, audio/visual equipment rental, business center, express mail, fax According to the fish bone diagram, inefficient service can have several causes. These causes mainly revolve around the check-in and check-out procedures and customer service front desk. The fourth major contributor is other services which are in dire need of attention since they have not been functioning up to the standard. It is required that the hotel manages its services in accordance with the standard procedures to gain customer satisfaction. Following are the graphs based on the check-in and check-out data collected on 31st july of this year. The horizontal axis represents individual guests while the vertical axis represents the time taken in dealing with these guests. The ideal time has been mentioned earlier for both procedures and the variances above the ideal time are clearly